With glowing hearts, we see the rise, and risks from common household fires. From far and wide, Canada Fire Blanket is ready when needed to help. Canada Fire Blanket embodies our collective pride and resilience. With unwavering strength, it sings the anthem of confidence. O Canada, our home and cherished land, may Canada Fire Blanket keep us safe, inspire trust and pride in every Canadian.
What Types of Fires Are Fire Blankets Used For?
Fires can happen in both indoor and outdoor spaces like kitchens, garages, BBQ areas, and campsites. The possibility of a fire breaking out is a reality we must acknowledge. These places, often filled with heat sources and flammable materials, can pose a risk if not handled with care. However, staying prepared is the key to ensuring safety. 
Learn more about the types of fires where fire blankets can be used.
Kitchen Fire Safety
According to a 2023 Stats Canada Report, the leading cause of residential fires and fire related injuries are cooking mishaps.
Following kitchen fire prevention and safety recommendations can greatly reduce the chances of a kitchen fire, but accidents still can and do happen. And that’s where the Canada Fire Blanket can save the day.
Learn more about kitchen fire safety.
Your Home Fire Safety Plan
Home fires are the leading cause of fire injuries and deaths in Canada. Statistics Canada reported that residential fires accounted for approximately two-thirds of structural fires between 2017 and 2021.
Some sources of potential fire risks in your home are your kitchen cooktop, heating equipment (like space heaters), fireplaces, electrical systems and appliances, clothes dryers, and barbeques.
This is why it’s very important to develop a home safety plan. Your plan should cover both prevention and safety measures.
Learn more about the most common tips for a home fire safety plan.
What Is the Best Fire Blanket in Canada?
There are several different materials used to make fire blankets. The choice of which fire blanket to buy depends on where the blanket is to be used, the type of fire, and the temperature of the fire.
Most fire blankets can be used for many types of small fires.
Ideally, fire blankets should be both flame retardant and heat resistant.
Learn more about the best fire blanket in Canada.
How to Use Your Canada Fire Blanket
It’s very easy to use and takes only seconds to be ready.
A fire extinguisher’s job is essentially trying to “blanket” a fire, but it does it with chemicals and a big mess (not that a mess is the biggest issue in that moment). Additionally, a fire extinguisher if used improperly could spread a fire. Many people do not know how to use a fire extinguisher effectively, and they need to be checked regularly.
The Canada Fire Blanket is meant to deal with small fires before they spread. If your fire is not small enough to use the Canada Fire Blanket on immediately leave the premises and call 911.
Hang the fire blanket in an area that is easy to access and near the source of the potential fire. We don’t recommend putting it too close to the potential fire area (for example above a stove) or you may not be able get it safely when needed.
When it’s needed, simply pull the two black straps at the bottom of the storage pouch and pull firmly. Hold onto the straps, pull them apart and lift up, your blanket should be open and in front of you while still holding onto the black straps.
Approach the fire using the blanket to shield your body and clothing from the flames, spitting grease, and embers. Cover the fire until it’s extinguished, allow a minimum of 20 minutes for your blanet to completely cool off before removing it.
If it’s a clothing fire, wrap the blanket around your self or the person with the burning clothes.
In our everyday spaces like kitchens, garages, BBQ areas, and campsites, the possibility of a fire breaking out is a reality we must acknowledge. These places, often filled with heat sources and flammable materials, can pose a risk if not handled with care. However, staying prepared is the key to ensuring safety.
Placing a fire blanket nearby is a simple yet effective measure. It provides peace of mind, knowing that in case of a small fire, you have a quick and efficient way to extinguish it. With a fire blanket within arm's reach, you're equipped to handle common household fire incidents, turning a potential worry into a manageable situation. It's all about fostering a sense of readiness and taking proactive steps to keep our living spaces secure.